बुधवार, 2 दिसंबर 2020

Booster, Battery Saver System Monitor – Cpu, Ram Booster, Battery Saver

Booster, Battery Saver System Monitor – Cpu, Ram Booster, Battery Saver

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Developer:System monitor tools lab - Cpu Ram Battery
CATEGORY : tools

You have to pay to download this app in Google Play Store


About this App

The most powerful System Monitor for Android, including: cpu monitor, storage cleaner,
memory booster, battery doctor, battery saver. You can monitor cpu temperature, cpu frequency, storage usage, memory usage, battery temperature, battery health at the same time. System Monitor provides many kinds of powerful tools, including: ram booster and cleaner, overheating alarm, overheating protection, one tap boost, garbage collection, ram widget, cpu widget, battery widget, floating window. So download System Monitor now, speed up your phone and cool your phone ! Detail feature list:

💡 Cpu monitor
Monitor the cpu temperature cpu frequency cpu activity cpu usage real time and show with curve table, analyze the cpu temperature and frequency history information and temperature ranking list, support the multicore cpu monitoring. Help you reduce cpu usage as phone cooler.

💡Device Information
Show the detailed device information, including: cpu information, system information, hardware information, screen information .

💡 Storage cleaner
Clean the junk and save your storage, including:
useless apk files, useless system garbage, junk of apps, residual files, system cache, apps cache, AD cache.

💡 Ram analyzer and booster
Analyze memory usage, clean the ram and speed up your phone, and you can set the ignore list based on your own personal needs.

💡 Battery monitor
Show the curve table of battery usage and temperature. Monitor the battery status, including: health, power status, voltage, level.

💡 Battery saver and doctor
Extends battery life and optimizing device settings to keep battery health. You can choose "LONG LIFE MODE" or "CUSTOM SAVE MODE".

💡 One tap boost
You can create the『One Tap Boost』shortcut, boost your phone very convenient.

💡 Temperature overheating alarm and overheating protection
System Monitor will trigger an alarm when cpu's or battery's temperature is overheating, you can choose open or close the overheating alarm as your like.

💡 Floating window
Floating window show the CPU temperature, battery temperature, ram usage real time, including: status bar floating window and desktop floating window.

💡 Widget
Support ram widget, cpu widget and battery widget.

💡 Multi-Theme
Powerful System Monitor is very beautiful and support multi-theme switching, you can choose the theme you like.

If you buy Powerful System Monitor, you will have cpu monitor, storage cleaner and memory booster, battery doctor and battery saver at the same time! Monitor cpu temperature, cpu frequency, storage usage, memory usage, battery temperature, battery health at the same time. So what are you waiting for ? Download System Monitor now, speed up your phone and cool your phone !

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