बुधवार, 25 नवंबर 2020

CATEGORY : System.

About this App

Freedom – another prog on Android for fans of freebies. Downloading Freedom on Android, you can make purchases in the store of a game without using real money ie. absolutely free. The program replaces the authorization server for purchases and emulates the purchase as real. All is well, there is only one but, the user’s root rights are required. However, remember that this program does not provide an opportunity to buy paid games, or replenish bank cards, it simply emits the purchase of domestic currency, thereby replenishing your balance for free.

How to uninstall a program Freedom?

!!!Attention: Before you uninstall the program click in not “STOP”

!Note: if the Play store does not work, do the following, but Freedom will most likely stop working:

  1. start Root Explorer and go to /system/etc/
  2. rename the existing hosts file to hosts_zip (this is in case of force majeure)
  3. create a new empty hosts file and enter a single line in it: “ localhost”
  4. save the file.

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